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Frances Hodgson Burnett "A Little Princess" PDF

Frances Hodgson Burnett  "A Little Princess" PDF
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Sara Crewe, a motherless child who has been raised in India by her
wealthy, doting father, is enrolled in Miss Minchin's Select Seminary
for Girls, a boarding school in London. She is afforded every luxury,
and the other students call her "princess"; some use the term out of
awe and affection, while others are bitterly jealous of her. When Sarah
is suddenly left penniless, she is relegated to the life of a servant in
a cold, lonely attic room, but her always brilliant imagination becomes
her saving grace. Throughout, she remains a magnanimous "princess"
who feels best when she is helping others; the wonderful stories she
invents, and her kind heart, earn her true friends and eventually lead
her to a new home
Frances Hodgson Burnett "A Little Princess" PDF
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  1. آرش کازرانی
    آرش کازرانی

    Can I have a story of disney princess.

    THis book are very interesting you can phone me on: 09124950619

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