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Tom Dongo "Unseen Beings Unseen Worlds" PDF

Tom Dongo "Unseen Beings Unseen Worlds" PDF
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Venture into Unknowable Realms
"My fervent hope is that this book will spark interest in venturing beyond an accepted, perhaps questionable reality and will launch a few fearless ships on a soaring journey into the wonderful and endlessly exciting realms of the Great Unknown."

-- Tom Dongo

How to communicate with non physical beings
How to learn remote viewing
Aliens: Deadly foes and caring friends
Ghosts: They are real -- with instances
The Wee People: Some examples of their existence
The Afterlife: What we can expect
Spiritual Beings: They may not be so different from us
Interdimensionals: Limitless levels of reality
The Gray Zone: A place to avoid
and much, much more…
Tom Dongo "Unseen Beings Unseen Worlds" PDF
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