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Brian Thomas "Think For Yourself: Control Your Life" PDF

Brian Thomas "Think For Yourself: Control Your Life" PDF
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This book will show you how to think independently and not be subjected to other people controlling your mind with their thoughts and ideas. It will teach you how thoughts originate, come alive, and eventually cause you to pursue a course of action. You can and will be free of other people’s desire to influence your thinking. You will learn to be an independent thinker where your thoughts will benefit you and you alone.

The world is controlled by rich and powerful people who have a vested interest in how and what you think. They use the tools of advertising, mass media, and powerful and influential leaders. People who think independently will not be duly influenced by all of the above. They will wield their thinking process to do what is best for them.

This book is an attempt to teach you how to think. When we learn to think, we will make less mistakes and have a smooth life. This is because when you think before you act, you are able to take most, if not all, of the emotions out of the situation. You will be calmer and more in control of yourself. When you react, you have set your intellect and thought process aside, and you strictly act out of emotion. The same holds true on decisions -- if you make a decision based on emotion, it will be, on the average, 99% wrong.
Brian Thomas "Think For Yourself: Control Your Life" PDF
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