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John Xavier "Political Apocrypha" PDF

John Xavier "Political Apocrypha" PDF
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“Everything moved by destiny is reduced to the lowest level; to the level of a pawn.”

Where human beings are unconscious of the forces that shape their world and their own decision making processes, their lives are predetermined by external powers. Through the development of a greater personal awareness though, including but not limited to the psychological and political, a person can raise themselves out of the sludge of determinism to achieve real self-liberation. And this book attempts to address that need. It’s therefore a work of political philosophy but one that strives to grapple with the holistic reality of the human condition; meaning it touches on a broad range of topics. As a result, the ideas here have been arranged into twelve loosely organized chapters: Anarchy, Capital, Civilization, Democracy, Geopolitics, History, Justice, Labor, Morality, Philosophy, Values, and War. Since there’s no strict divide between these subjects, there’s a substantial amount of cross referencing between them; but the arrangement such as it is will hopefully prove more illuminating than otherwise. And if the darker crevices of human society are exposed this can only add to the sum of our freedom.
John Xavier "Political Apocrypha" PDF
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