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Pratibha A. Dabholkar, Ph.D. "Life Review: God’s Perfect Plan" PDF

Pratibha A. Dabholkar, Ph.D. "Life Review: God’s Perfect Plan" PDF
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The life review in the near-death experience (that everyone will experience on dying) shows us how we have affected others—from the perspectives of the recipients of our actions. We will palpably feel all the pain we have caused as well as the happiness we have spread. People who have had near-death experiences (NDEs) explain that the primary reason for coming to earth is to spread love and joy. The objective of the life review is to help us understand (through actual experience) what we did or did not do well so we can internalize this learning for our spiritual growth. Even those events which people had forgotten, or what they considered unimportant, had been recorded. They forcefully felt the wrong they had done even as children, in what many would consider as insignificant events. When one thinks of all the things people do that may harm someone, one gets an idea of the fairness of the life review and its purview. Those who wonder how a just and good God allows evil on earth can now understand that no one gets away with bad deeds. Every action will be experienced by the doer to its complete extent from the recipient’s perspective.
Pratibha A. Dabholkar, Ph.D. "Life Review: God’s Perfect Plan" PDF
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