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Annette de JongeIn "Search of Reality" PDF

Annette de JongeIn "Search of Reality" PDF
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This book seeks to further extend our perception of reality where we question topics such as:

Is life like a roll of film where nothing exists beyond the present moment?

Past lives and reincarnation: Do they exist?

Why do we need a symbiotic relationship with an earth elemental?

Why do UFOs visit Earth?

What are alien implants, and do you have one?

Do we travel between different dimensions and realities? If so, how?

Who are the Shadow People?

These and other intriguing questions are answered in In Search of Reality where readers are taken into mind expanding concepts of reality and who we really are.

A must read for the curious or anyone who has had premonitions or other unexplained experiences.
Annette de JongeIn "Search of Reality" PDF
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