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Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" PDF

Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" PDF
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Brave new world is a novel with a science-fiction theme written by bestselling author, aldous huxley, and was first published in 1932 it is set in the far future, in 2540 ad and features a utopian view of the society at that time, with a lot of material dedicated to sleep learning, reproductive technology, and classical conditioning the title is derived from a line in shakespeare's the tempestthe book begins with a lengthy introduction, detailing the author's views of how he thinks the entire world will function in the far future, in a global society that he terms the world state the individual story only begins in the 7th chapter, where the reader is properly introduced to the story of bernard and lenina, two inhabitants of the world statebernard has a single friend in life, whose name is helmholtz watson bernard and lenina go on a holiday to new mexico where they meet john the savage and linda, both of whom have lived hard lives due to being ostracised by all the people they lived withit is decided that john and linda would accompany bernard and lenina back to the world state when they return, and the rest of brave new world covers the events that occur on their return journey the export edition of this book was published by rhuk in 2004, and is available as a paperback key features: brave new world is a science fiction novel that was first published in 1932brave new world is the story of a couple, namely bernard and lenina, and how their life changes after a holiday in new mexico
Aldous Huxley "Brave New World" PDF
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