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Annette de Jonge "Star Beings" PDF

Annette de Jonge "Star Beings" PDF
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It is thought that life on Earth came from bacteria, but rationalization makes that seem implausible. So how did humanity get here?

What if an advanced species from another reality seeded humanity on this planet and why?

What of the ancient writings that state their royal line is a hybrid mix of human and alien? Does their progeny still exist and if so, in what way?

Is there still physical interaction between humans and aliens?

Are we all a composite of star beings?

Why does much of the world's population unknowingly have alien implants?

Are we, humanity, only now waking up to who we are?

Answers to these and other questions are given in the free eBook, Star Beings.
Annette de Jonge "Star Beings" PDF
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