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S. J. Watson "Double Take" PDF

S. J. Watson "Double Take" PDF
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In this mind-blowing psychological thriller SJ Watson, the internationally bestselling author of Before I Go to Sleep, explores themes of memory and identity as a young documentary filmmaker travels to a quiet fishing village to shoot a new film, only to encounter a dark mystery surrounding the disappearance of a local girl.

For generations Blackwood Bay, a quaint village in northern England, has been famous only for the smuggling that occurred along its coastline centuries ago, but then two local girls disappear bringing the town a fresh and dark notoriety. When Alex, an ambitious documentary filmmaker, arrives in Blackwood Bay, she intends to have the residents record their own stories as her next project. But instead of a quaint community, Alex finds a village blighted by economic downturn and haunted by a tragedy that overshadows every corner.

Alex pushes on with her work, but secrets old and new rise to the surface, raising tensions and suspicions in a town already on edge. Alex's work takes her to dark places and uncomfortable truths which threaten to lead to a deadly unravelling.
S. J. Watson "Double Take" PDF
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