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Lynn Painter "Better Than the Movies" PDF

Lynn Painter "Better Than the Movies" PDF
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Liz Buxbaum has always known that Wes Bennett was not boyfriend material. You would think that her next-door neighbor would be a prince candidate for her romantic comedy fantasies, but Wes has only proven himself to be a pain in the butt, ever since they were little. Wes was the kid who put a frog in her Barbie Dreamhouse, the monster who hid a lawn gnome's severed head in her little homemade neighborhood book exchange.
Lynn Painter "Better Than the Movies" PDF
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  1. Inejjj
    It would be amazing if you could share Better Than The Prom... It is a really short book that tells last scenes of the Better Than The Movies from Wes's perspective. So of course i am intrigued. Please if you can find time, share the pdf version of the book(Better Than The Prom). Thank you so much.

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