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Omar A. Jarvis "Dare 2 Change" EPUB

Omar A. Jarvis "Dare 2 Change" EPUB
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If you could achieve success without change, within your current life, you'd already be successful wouldn't you? People often want something for nothing. They want to work for a year, and be rich for a lifetime, diet for a month, and be skinny for years, work hard for a season, and become CEO. But the path to success...requires a life style change! Dare 2 Change is a philosophy for implementing positive change into your life and preparing yourself for a breakthrough to success using documented proven methods and strategies from top psychologist and therapist. Proven techniques and philosophy in small bite size chunks with easy to follow steps, tips, including quizzes and necessary self-assessment activities to help navigate you through the process of change. There are two things that motivate people to make dramatic changes in their lives; inspiration and desperation. Dare 2 Change is a book with a message. A message that is inspirational, motivational, and encouraging. In such a way that it leads the reader to see that change is imperative and success is possible; that one can overcome and use adversity as building blocks in life. Tips derived from life experiences and presented in a way that is engaging, uplifting and educational for all in ages particularly for young adults.
Omar A. Jarvis "Dare 2 Change" EPUB
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